Remember we are a parent driven volunteer organization.
Almost everyone you see on our fields is volunteering their time and help to make this program available for all our children.
Team Coach
No experience needed. We will train you! You should also complete the Volunteer Application and include it with your player registration. Contact the Regional Coach Administrator at [email protected] with any questions
Team Manager:
The team manager assists the coach in managing the team. They need to setup the team page and assign snack duties. They will also be responsible for conveying information from coach to parent as well as plan the end of season party. A great team parent really makes the team special. It's not as hard as it looks and it's kind of fun. Team Manager is required to register as a volunteer at and take the Safe Haven and CDC online course.
Team Adult Referee Volunteer
Each team needs to earn a minimum number of referee points to qualify for postseason playoffs. Each team must have at least two referees, who will agree to officiate at a minimum number of games. We provide the training, uniforms and mentoring!
Contact the Regional Referee Admin. for more info: [email protected] .
Banner Coordinator
The banner coordinator will be responsible for getting the banner made, either on his/her own, or with the help from the team/parents. You are encouraged to “hand make” it and not purchase commercially made banners. The banner needs to be ready no later than the evening of the Fall KickOff Event. For more details on Banner specifics click HERE
Photo Day
Assign someone to signin for your team at the photo table. Your team should be in full uniform and meet at the photo day location at least a minimum of 15 minutes prior to your assigned time. The players, coaches, team parent and banner will be in the photo, and no one else. Please keep the players under control.
Sponsor Rep
The team needs a “Sponsor Rep” to coordinate its ad campaign for the Region’s yearbook. Find the forms you need HERE
Field SetUp
When your team plays in the first or last game of the day, you need to assign parents to setup or takedown the nets and, if applicable, the goal posts. Three to four parents should be assigned prior to game day to do this. This is an important position but a very easy one.
Field CleanUp
Each team needs to leave the field as clean as it was before the day’s games began. If we do not, the Region could lose the permits for use of the field. Assign a parent to be in charge. It’s a vital job and only takes a few minutes after the team leaves to make sure all the trash has been picked up.
KickOff Event
The team needs a parent to coordinate the KickOff Event efforts. Players need to be reminded to arrive early in their uniforms. KickOff
Event Reps will receive assignments for setup, cleanup, parking, etc. according to their age specific division.
Fundraising Rep
Raffle drawing tickets need to be distributed and proceeds with ticket stubs need to be collected and returned to the coach. Coaches shall turn in all proceeds and ticket stubs to their Division Rep. If the Region has a fundraiser, the Team Fundraising Rep coordinates the sales and distribution efforts for your team. The Region’s Fundraising Coordinator will contact you.